
About Us

# let's Know our School Better

Indonesia Interactive Standard School

Moving Forward with the World

IISS History

Sekolah ini di prakarsai oleh Bapak Endro Pradono, seorang pengusaha dan bintang film senior yang sangat peduli terhadap pendidikan dan mempunyai misi untuk mencerdaskan anak bangsa yang berwawasan global, berbasis IPTEK dan kewirausahaan. Beliau mendirikan D’Royal Moroco Integrative Islamic School (d’MiiS) yang merupakan sekolah Islam internasional pertama di daerah Radio Dalam, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. Ini adalah sekolah internasional pertama yang diakui oleh pemerintah. Sejak berdiri, d’MiiS berkembang pesat dan berhasil membuka kelas mulai dari Kindergarten (TK), Primary (SD), Lower Secondary (SMP) dan Higher Secondary Level (SMA).

Bapak Endro Pradono kemudian membuka sekolah dengan konsep yang sama di kota kelahirannya yaitu Kota Malang. Sekolah yang didirikan di Malang adalah SD Indonesia Interactive Standard School (IISS), sebuah sekolah nasional plus yang menggunakan kurikulum internasional dengan bahasa pengantar dan komunikasi 100% English. Pendirian SD IISS ini dimulai pada September 2009 dimana Bapak Endro Pradono bekerjasama dengan Profesor Edward Amstrong lulusan Phd dari USA sebagai konseptor sekolah SD IISS. Pada bulan Maret 2010 Bapak Endro Pradono menunjuk Rika Dwi Damajanti sebagai Kepala sekolah berdasarkan rekomendasi dari Prof. Edward Amstrong. Pada bulan Juli 2010, SD Indonesia Interactive Standard School memulai tahun pelajaran pertamanya yang berlokasi di Jl. Megamendung 7 Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang. Dengan status gedung sewa yang bekerja sama (MOU) dengan pemilik STIMIE Malang. 

Pada tahun 2015 kerjasama (MOU) antara STIMIE Malang dan SD Indonesia Interactive Standard School berakhir, SD Indonesia Interactive Standard School kemudian pindah dan menempati gedung milik sendiri di Jl. Sarangan 32 Malang hingga saat ini. Pada tahun pelajaran yang sama pula SD Indonesia Interactive Standard School bergabung sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan dibawah naungan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Malang.

Pada tahun 2017 Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah (BANS) mengakreditasi SD IISS untuk pertama kalinya dan langsung berhasil meraih nilai B dengan total skor 83. Dengan terbitnya nilai akreditasi dan juga nomor NUKS yang di terima oleh kepala sekolah, maka besar harapan SD Indonesia Interactive Standard School bisa lebih berkembang sesuai dengan visi dan motto IISS “Moving Forward with the World”.

Our Mission & Vision

Our Vision is to create an integrated education scope, global perspective, sustainability, and having the spirit of Pancasila as well as entrepreneurship that cares about the environment. 

Full in English

We use the English language for instruction and communication in our school. A real environment for the student to learn and grow.

Personal Approach

We believe that small class concepts (max 12 students) have more opportunities to observe and assess the class as a whole and the students as individuals. Each student gets noticed.

Fun Learning

We offer a Fun learning method based on interactive learning with a personal approach and small class concepts.

Talented Teacher

IISS teachers are qualified and well-prepared to be able to provide meaningful learning experiences that are also fun for the students through creative educational techniques. We Teach, We Love, We Inspire.

Safe and Kids Friendly

Our school has a feeling of home, comfortable, and cozy. No bullying and under surveillance CCTV. (Sekolah Ramah Anak)


We acceptance of people of all origins and develops positive relationships among students. It also allows students to be more tolerant and accepting of global diversity. (Having the spirit of Pancasila)

Education Pillars of IISS



Teaching at IISS is based on the Indonesian curriculum, plus an international curriculum (Cambridge) which was developed following the latest teaching methods and in accordance with the school's vision and mission.


Life Skills

IISS emphasizes life skills education in every subject so that students have important life skills such as: critical thinking, leadership, communication, socialization, problem solving, creative, innovative, and technology awareness.



All learning at IISS pays attention to the character development of each student which is balanced with the development of their knowledge, so that it can be applied for noble purposes and be a blessing to the environment.

IISS Curriculum

IISS curriculum & programs are designed to provide an optimal learning experience to students. Implementing the national curriculum and international curriculum. 

The Cambridge international curriculum is a prestigious curriculum that provides a global standard for education. IISS Primary combines the Cambridge Primary with National Curriculum. The subjects of English, Math, IT, Entrepreneurship, and Science use the Cambridge scheme of work that allows students to acquire the knowledge and skills of worldwide context.

Implementing the Cambridge International Curriculum promotes students with higher-order thinking skills—problem-solving, critical thinking, independent research, and collaboration. The learning concept in Cambridge allows students to be confident, responsible, reflective, innovative, and powerful in learning.

The national curriculum implementation in IISS is determined in accordance with the national curriculum policy. This academic year, IISS applies both Kurikulum 2013 and Kurikulum Merdeka. Kurikulum Merdeka is applied in some classes such as Grade-1 and Grade-4; while other classes are still implementing Kurikulum 2013. The implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka enables IISS teachers with the flexibility “to teach at the right level” following the students’ needs and characteristics. The essence of the national curriculum implementation is not just content-based but what students can achieve through learning.

The national curriculum also exposes the foundational skills in literacy and numeracy that become the framework of IISS learning. In IISS, the national curriculum subjects are delivered in Bahasa. Several subjects that embed the national curricula are Bahasa Indonesia; Civics; Social Studies; Religion; and Physical Education.

let's study together

Became a SMART Generation

We created the SMART generation that combines intelligence in Politeness (Sopan), Independence (Mandiri), Academically (Akademis), Diligent (Rajin), and also being role models everywhere (Tauladan).

A real environment for the student to learn and grow

Jl. Sarangan No. 32, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

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